Travel Various

10 Strange Animals And Where to Go to See Them

10 Strange Animals & Where to Go to See Them
Written by John Smith

8. Velvet Ants (South America)

It may be surprising, but these bugs are not actually ants – they are various species of wasps. The female wasps are wingless and covered in hair, giving them a striking resemblance to ants.

In Chile, there are some individuals with distinctive black and white coloring that have earned them the nickname “panda ants.” These insects are notorious for their excruciating stings, so much so that they have earned the moniker “cow killers.”

Pink Fairy Armadillo

9. Pink Fairy Armadillo (Argentina)

Our favorite creatures on this list are the stunningly unusual pink fairy armadillos. These tiny animals are exclusive to central Argentina and are so scarce that scientists have not yet determined their conservation status. They are nocturnal and burrow underground, small enough to fit in a human hand. Although they are shy and elusive, if you want to catch a glimpse of them, central Argentina is the ideal destination.

Maned Wolf

10. Maned Wolf (South America)

The fascinating maned wolves are often mistaken for their namesake, but they are actually a unique species in the canid family. With long legs and distinctive large ears, these solitary creatures have a varied diet that includes a significant amount of vegetation. Despite their unconventional habits, we find them to be quite stunning.

Maned wolves can be spotted in various regions across Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.